Gus fink biography sampler

  • Gus fink biography sampler
  • Puff Dogs.

    Gus Fink is a commercial artist whose multidisciplinary work all falls within the umbrella of ‘Pop Art’ – and like the Ur God of Pop, Andy Warhol, Gus works in every medium available: sculpting, painting, cartoons, film, clothing design, digital art, indie games and music.

    Simply put, Gus is an all round pop art visionary!

    Gus and his art came to our attention thanks to the recently released ‘Creeplings’ series of designer toys, a collaborative effort between Gus and his equally talented wife Emi Boz – and just like all works that Gus is involved in, they are well worth checking out.

    (Picture of some of the ‘Creeplings’ series of blind box art toys, below)

    With Gus constantly pushing his art and himself, working on project after project, now is the perfect time to get to know the man and his art, by reading the Art Talk interview below…

    Basics/Getting to Know

    Name + D.O.B?

    Gus Fink
    January 12th

    (Some art by Gus bel