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Marcia (Dorothy) Williams (1945-) Biography
(Dorothy Williams)
Born 1945, in England; daugher of Peter Powell (an author and theatre director) and Joan Alexander Carnwath (a writer); stepEducation: Educated in England and Switzerland; studied painting at Richmond College; University of Surrey (Roehampton, England), M.A.
(Hobbies and other interests: Animals, reading, travel, food, friends, film, children, music.
Marcia Williams
Agent—c/o Author Mail, Walker Books, Ltd., 87 Vauxhall Walk, London SE11 5HJ, England.
Freelance writer and illustrator of children's books, 1986—; previously worked as an interior designer and nursery school teacher; with designer Gerald Scarfe, creator of papier-mache and cloth sculptures; actor in stage productions of Mr William Shakespeare's Plays and Bravo, Mr William Shakespeare!
The First Christmas, Random House (New York, NY), 1987, reprinted, Walker Books (Lo