Hemant kumar subir sen assistant synonym

  • Hemant kumar subir sen assistant synonym
  • 'An Indian singer with an international tone' - Times of India.

    Hemant kumar subir sen assistant synonym

  • Hemant kumar subir sen assistant synonym
  • Subir sen songs
  • 'An Indian singer with an international tone' - Times of India
  • Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
  • ‪Subir Kumar Sen‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬
  • Research Interests

    1. Microeconomics, Behavioral Economic Analysis with focus on Risk Perceptions, 2. Economics of Climate Change and Disasters, Adaptation, Disaster Risk Reduction, Role of Insurance, 3.

    Industrial Organization (or Economics), Competition Theory and Policy, Economics of Regulation, 4. Performance Evaluation (DEA, SFA, etc.), Issues in Indian Insurance Industry


    Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore

    Ph.D., Economics

    Visva Bharati, Santiniketan

    M.A., Economics

    (Hons), Economics, Mathematics & Statistics

    Joint Faculty

    02 Jun - Present

    COEDMM, IIT Roorkee

    Assistant Professor

    02 Jun - 17 May

    TERI University, New Delhi



    28 Aug