Gordon w orange biography channel

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    Ham Nation is an hour long Ham Radio variety show on the excitement and importance of ham radio, covering many topics from ham radio news to hack radio hacks.

    Ham Nation is hosted by Gordon West, Valerie Hotzfeld, Don Wilbanks, Randy Hall, Amanda Alden, Joe Eisenberg, and Josh Nass, in varying rotations, with occasional guest appearances from founder Bob Heil.

    Gordon w orange biography channel

  • Gordon w orange biography channel
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  • Gordon West – WB6NOA

    Gordon West (WB6NOA) is a radio instructor for both students and Ham elmers. He was first licensed in the 1950s. Known as one of ham radio’s most prolific ambassadors today.

    Gordon West’s Ham Radio School and comprehensive books on exam prep and radio related electronics and ham radio school have helped to license and educate thousands of ham radio operators.
    Gordon West Radio School
    Gordon West Books
    Gordon West on TWIT
    Gordon West on appearances YouTube

    Don Wilbanks – AE5DW

    Don Wilbanks, AE5DW is a native of Shawnee Oklahoma.

    He was first licensed in 1995 as a no-code Tec