Vilhjalmur stefansson diet pills

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    Vilhjalmur stefansson diet pills reviews

    About 100 years ago a Canadian ethnologist, Vilhjallmur Stefansson, spent 11 years living among the Inuit in the frozen North. For 9 of those years he ate substantially a diet composed of meat (including fish), organ meats and fat with just a few carbohydrates (only the glycogen contained in the muscle tissue and liver).

    In the summer months he ate a few berries. Upon his return to ‘civilization,’ from his observations of the Inuit population with whom he had lived and of his own health, he postulated that such a diet was sufficient for good health.

    Vilhjalmur stefansson diet pills

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  • It was, indeed, he averred, a complete diet.

    Stefansson’s lectures on his experience with an all meat diet drew derision and cries of charlatan from the scientific and medical community. So, to ‘prove’ his hypothesis, he proposed a daring experiment.

    He offered himself and a colleague, Karsen Andersen, with whom he had shared his experience in the Arctic, as an in vivo experiment (n=2). In 1928, under the